About Me

Hi, I’m Julie!

Your CFO & Numbers BFF

I love data, spreadsheets, and analyzing all the numbers! But I also love taking a step back to see how it all fits into the big picture.

I started off my career with a degree in Accounting and Computer Information Systems, but found corporate wasn’t the right place for me.

My husband and I jumped into the entrepreneur world and it felt like the perfect fit for us. As our lives and career paths have evolved over time, I find I’m always coming back to the numbers side of business.

Over the years, as I dabbled in online creative businesses and blogging. I discovered a great community of other like minded women in the online entrepreneurship world.

When I’m not working, I’m hanging out with my family, scrapbooking, crafting with my kids, or cooking. I am hopeful to be a better gardener one day, but I’m still working on that green thumb 🙂

What Do I Stand For?

I believe that all women entrepreneurs should feel confident and empowered when running their business.

I believe that all woman entrepreneurs are all capable of understanding the numbers side of their business.

I believe that as the CEO you need to OWN the numbers side of your business. You don’t need to do all the number crunching, but you need to know your profit margins, how much you are making, how much your business is improving, and where you are headed when it comes to the numbers.

You can be a big picture thinker and know the numbers without counting all the beans because that’s how you truly stepping into the role of a CEO in your business.

Why Numbers?

There always seems to be a clear division between those right-brain, creative thinkers and left-brain, logistical thinkers. How they function, how they process information, how they brainstorm ideas, and how they create can be vastly different.

We ALL have both tendencies inside us, there may just be one side that is more dominant.

However, I believe that as an entrepreneur both sides are equally important. When running a business, if you don’t have your left-brain functions locked in, you won’t have the time or space to unleash your right-brain creative potential.

Why Data?

So you can know with certainty that your time and money spent on your sales, marketing, and expenses is worth it!

Analyzing even just a small amount of data can make anyone’s head spin if you don’t know how to filter through it properly. I believe data is one of the most powerful tools you can have as an entrepreneur and using it often will guide you to make better business decisions so you can focus on growing your business.

Why Accounting?

So you can understand the money coming in and going out of your business and know that your business is financially healthy!

Accounting and Business Finances can be OVERWHELMING – but it doesn’t have to be. I want to help you untangle those business expenses, understand your financial statements, feel prepared for tax time, and know you can afford to pay yourself and all of your business expenses!

Why Operations?

So you can have a business that runs on solid processes and systems without needing you for every task!

When you are an entrepreneur it feels like you will never stop wearing “all the hats” in your business. But guess what? It’s totally possible when you have the right systems in place, processes documented, and know how to delegate work so you can spend your time on the most important tasks only YOU should be handling as CEO.

Ready to get started?

Work With Me

Not sure what package would be the right fit for your business, but know you need help with your business finances and numbers. Click the button above to fill out an information form and book a free discovery call so we can chat more about your business, or you can click below to discover the services we offer.